Radical and Loving Welcome
We believe that all are created in the image of God, and that all are welcome at Christ's table. We affirm that all who seek to follow the Gospel message of love, justice, and forgiveness are full participants in the Church, and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the Church.
As an affirming congregation and a member of the Affirm United movement in the United Church of Canada we affirm the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people in our life together.
We are following our Christian faith by helping eradicate systemic racism. We humble ourselves in reflection and take collaborative action to help dismantle racism within our community of Toronto.
Radical and Loving Welcome
We believe that all are created in the image of God, and that all are welcome at Christ's table. We affirm that all who seek to follow the Gospel message of love, justice, and forgiveness are full participants in the Church, and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the Church.
As an affirming congregation and a member of the Affirm United movement in the United Church of Canada we affirm the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people in our life together.
We are following our Christian faith by helping eradicate systemic racism. We humble ourselves in reflection and take collaborative action to help dismantle racism within our community of Toronto.
Radical and Loving Welcome
We believe that all are created in the image of God, and that all are welcome at Christ's table. We affirm that all who seek to follow the Gospel message of love, justice, and forgiveness are full participants in the Church, and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the Church.
As an affirming congregation and a member of the Affirm United movement in the United Church of Canada we affirm the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people in our life together.
We are following our Christian faith by helping eradicate systemic racism. We humble ourselves in reflection and take collaborative action to help dismantle racism within our community of Toronto.

About Us

We are an inclusive and affirming congregation of the United Church of Canada. We believe that all are created in the image of God, and that all are welcome at Christ’s table. Through scripture, prayer, fellowship, activism, and the arts, we strive to grow in faith, and to follow the path set for us by Jesus Christ and the Gospel message.

Located in Toronto’s Annex, our membership is a diverse mix of elders, young adults, students, and families from across the city! Some have been a part of Trinity-St. Paul’s for several decades, and some are new to church entirely. Wherever you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you here.

strengthening faith


Worship of God, nurture of one another, and the struggle to be faithful to God’s purposes lie at the centre of our community and our outreach. We affirm that all who seek to live faithfully regardless of ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, race or sexual orientation are full participants and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the church.

seeking justice and peace


We seek to be a community of faith that witnesses publicly as a Christian community, takes a stand on issues of social justice, locally and globally and deepens our relationship with the arts community, with other faith communities and with our neighbours.

nurturing the creative spirit


Trinity-St. Paul’s (TSP) Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts is a vibrant community hub in downtown Toronto that has been serving the local and extended neighbourhood for more than 125 years. Today, we are home to 60 organizations – cultural, educational, religious, recreational, community and social service groups.


A Heritage on Bloor Street

In 1980, two long-established congregations joined to form Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church.  Founded in 1887 and 1889 respectively, St. Paul’s Avenue Road United Church and Trinity United Church had already contributed nearly 100 years each of dedicated service to the community, each seeking to live the love, justice and freedom of Jesus Christ.

The fulfillment of this mission continues today in a lively and vital atmosphere.  For more than a century, the familiar stone towers of Trinity-St. Paul’s have been a landmark on Bloor Street.  The building represents the congregation’s community outreach for neighbourhood programs, social justice activities, educational forums, support services and the performing arts.  It is open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m, and on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. During the regular season, up to 2,500 people pass through its doors each week.

The History

Built in the Revived Romanesque style, Trinity-St. Paul’s stone was quarried from the Forks of the Credit River.  It is part of the body of work of architect Edmund Burke, whose splendid buildings are so much a part of Toronto’s cityscape.  In recognition of its fine architecture which is revolutionary in its democracy, Trinity-St. Paul’s has been designated as a Heritage Building by the Toronto Historical Board.