Reinvestment has several layers:
Green Chip – Alternative energy and reduction of energy use (Global, with some Canadian content)
Invests for some foundations, and Toronto Atmospheric Fund. They are willing to invest for institutions with modest amounts to invest.
TSP has hired Green Chip for our small Green Initiatives Fund.Contact John Cook (in Toronto)
Genus has a full suite of 5 fully fossil-free investment pools, including bonds, and global equityHandles investments for some foundations and churches (including TSP), and offers fee reductions for combined institutions. Contact TSP for information as a possible partner.
Genus will also handle investments for Accredited Investors.
Contact: JP Harrison (in Vancouver). Genus recently opened up access to small individual investments, including RRSPs and TFSA’s as well as through investment managers.
Inhance Investments has a suite of SRI funds.The Global SRI fund is fossil free and has 7.9% in alternative energy.
This is open to both individuals and institutions.
AGF Global Sustainable Growth Equity Fund
AGF Global Sustainable Growth Equity Fund is a new fund that is fossil free.Their page includes a number of other links to reports related to Fossil Fuel Divestment, and positive investments.
Fiera Capital has a new Value ESG Fossil Fuel Free (FFF) fund.
CIBC Blue Heron funds have a strong set of screens, including being fossil free. Minimum amount is $100,000 and they may be open to individuals.
NEI Environmental Leaders Fund (recently available)
NEI used to be Ethical Funds!
Managed by Impax Asset Management, available to individuals with a minimum investment (perhaps $100,000) and to institutions.
“How a community bond turns social capital into financial capital” by Elisa Birnbaum in the Financial Post, Dec 22, 2014.
The story demonstrates the power of everyday citizens who are supporting social enterprises when traditional methods fall short.
Related links here:
Impact Investing with Community Bonds
Centre for Social Innovation 3% to 4.5%
SolarShare 5 years at 5%
ZooShare 7% for 7 Years
– Starting at 5% for 20 year bonds climbing to 12.75%
– 4.5% for 5 year bonds
CoPower Green Bonds 5 years at 5%
Can include RRSPs, TFSAs etc.
Oikocredit: Mennonite Savings and Credit Union provides GICs linked to Oikocredit.
– The estimated return is 1.3%, and the principle is guaranteed under the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario.
Green Bonds (watch for Green Washing – what standards are there?)
World Bank Green Bonds (How green?)
Not clear who can invest, and at what rate(s).
Ontario Global Green Bonds 75% return
There are some companies in Canada identified as working in the alternative energy sector over a period of years. This list is not comprehensive, or based on their current investment returns.
A full list of members of the Responsible Investment Organization:
A few advisors who have extended experience with Socially Responsible Investments. All are working with some individuals and congregations engaged in divesting:
Investment Advisor
(416) 860 - 6833
Wealth Advisor
(416) 862 - 5836
Investment Advisor
(613) 239 - 2851
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
(613) 566 - 2003
CIBC Wood Gundy
(613) 271 - 1511
Why should only the income returned from investments be used for our mission? Why not use all of our investment decisions to support the mission?
Social Economy Center Presentation by Bill Young on Mission Related Investing
OIKO Credit bonds (above) and Canadian Alternative Investment Cooperative (CAIC) are examples mission based investing used by some religious groups, including the national United Church of Canada.
Related documents:
A new impact investing analysis and Impact Investing platform from Genus Capital and MaRS as SVX Impact investing, being rolled out in January.
Impact Investing: Joint Ecological Ministry
JEM – Divesting and Investing in the Future We Want (The Catherine Donnelly Foundation)