Announcements for January 2nd, 2022


Church Board meeting

The next business meeting of the Church Board will be on January 11.


Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of TSP will be held on March 13. We will want to have the annual report available to members by February 27. Therefore we are asking that all those who are responsible for providing content for the report have their contributions to the administrator no later than February 6. If this is not possible for you, please contact Linda Padfiield ( to discuss alternatives.


Something New in the Heart Garden

Please take a look at the Heart Garden. There are now four beautiful benches to sit on! All are welcome to sit and enjoy! Lyn loved children and justice. Last Spring, before she died, Lyn asked what was needed in the Garden. A place to sit was missing and so Greg Gaetz, Lyn’s husband, lovingly made the benches in her name. As we sit in the Heart Garden, we will remember the children and our beloved Lyn.

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Photos provided by Tom Clark

From The Indigenous Rights Solidarity Group


TSP Children’s Church

TSP Children’s Church takes place every Sunday on Zoom from 10:30-11:30 am. Three classes are available led by paid and professionally trained staff. The first class is for ages 4-8, the second is for ages 9-12, and the youth group is for ages 13 to 17. Nursery care is available in church every Sunday. For more information, contact TSP’s Children’s Church Coordinator Douglas Hurst at

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The Worship and Faith Formation Committee would like to invite you to one of two weekly exegesis groups: Monday evening on Zoom from 6:00-7:00; and Tuesday afternoon on Zoom from 10:30-11:30. Together we’ll reflect on these ancient teachings and how they are relevant in our lives today. Not all of us are familiar with the Bible, but in exploring it together we will each bring our own views and discover many new insights, and hopefully, feel supported in our everyday lives. We will also consider how our insights might pertain to the life of our church communally. All are welcome.

We will focus primarily on the readings for the coming Sunday. Please find the lectionary at the following link:

You can access Monday’s meeting each week at the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 8973 9901

Passcode: 072263

You can access Tuesday’s meeting each week at the following link:

Meeting ID: 913 3484 1740

Passcode: 751656

If you would like to receive the Zoom links from Sherrill Hilton every Monday morning, please email her at





Worship for January:

As many of you know already, there will be no in-person worship for the month of January.

This suspension of in-person worship in the building will likely continue for as long as case numbers and data continue to make live worship to risky.

We strongly urge all who are able to get their booster shots and take every precaution necessary to be safe in the New Year.

Our current plan for worship is to live-stream, on Zoom, services from the Sanctuary where Cheri, Brad, participating soloists, as well as readers and prayer leaders, and the audio/visual team will all be masked and following every possible safety protocol.

You will continue to use the same link on Sundays, which will be sent out before 930 am, on the day.

If you have announcements for future weeks!

Contact Cian Horrobin, current office coordinator, at:

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