Contact Us

Pastoral Staff

Supply Minister: Rev. Dr. Nan Hudson –  – 416-922-8435 (ex. 24)

Music Director: Deborah Park – – 416-922-8435 (ex. 26)

Communications & Administration Coordinator: Sarah Redikopp – – 416-922-8435 (ex. 23)

Children’s Church Teacher: Jeorgina Taganas –

Building Staff

Aaron Dawson – General Manager
Phone: (416) 922-8435 ext 25

Tina Fyfe – Bookings Coordinator
Phone: (416) 922-8435 ext 21

Marc  Young – Office Coordinator
Phone: (416) 922-8435 ext 21

Jeff McAllister – Services Coordinator

Robin Wells – Maintenance Superintendent

Visit Us

How to Get Here – Trinity-St.Paul’s is accessible by public transit. The nearest TTC station is Spadina Station, located just north of the intersection of Spadina and Bloor. For a full accessibility exit from the subway station, use the Spadina Street exit. Head south to Bloor street, then turn right and head west to the next intersection at Robert Street. TSP is located at the southwest corner of Bloor Street and Robert Street. For accessible entry use the main entrance on Bloor Street on the north side of the building.

Accessibility – TSP is fully accessible on the main floor, including access to the main door, Sanctuary (Jeanne Lamon Hall), gymnasium, Circle Room, Memorial Room, Chapel, Studio and washrooms. Trinity-St. Paul’s also owns a wheelchair for use within the building. Staff are available to assist you when needed; please just inform us and we are happy to help.

Service Animals and Support Persons – Service animals are welcome in all parts of our premises that are open to the public. Special seating is also available in the Sanctuary (Jeanne Lamon Hall) for people with disabilities arriving with a service animal or a personal support worker.

Parking – Paid parking, including accessible parking, is available across the street on Robert Street at the Green P lot on the south side of the Metro grocery store.

Training for Staff – TSP provides training to all staff as well as volunteers, including an overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard’s plan.

TSP is a registered charity: #119270726 RR0001